punkt null – version B for Choir, Organ, Soprano, Audience and Chamber Orchestra (first print)
Åm, Magnard
28,00 €
Åm, Magnard – punkt null – version B for Choir, Organ, Soprano, Audience and Chamber Orchestra (first print)
First performance: Bergen, June 17th 1979
Bergen Chamber Ensemble, Sissel Vist (soprano), Bergen Domkantori,
Kristen Øgaard (organ), Magnar Mangersnes (conductor)
Magnar Åm (pronounced “Ohm”) was born in Trondheim. His interest in music revealed itself from early childhood and he began to write small pieces around the age of eleven. He did this in order to make sense of his inner struggles. It was then that he discovered (in his own words) “what a helpful friend music can be”. He describes the process as “going around with an emotional knot and yet making something out of it that sounded beautiful and that others appreciated – a process of metamorphosis”. The piano (his instrument of choice) became “a very close friend”. All the above citations, as well as much of the information under these lines, come from an interview with the composer I conducted on December 7th 2013 in connection with the writing of my book “Opus Perseverat”, Musikproduktion Höflich 2017. …
read more / German preface not available … > HERE
Score Data
Partitur Nummer | 4985 |
Sonderedition | Amethyst Edition |
Genre | Chor/Stimme & Orchestra |
Seiten | 71 |
Format | 225 x 320 mm |
Druck | Neudruck |
Aufführungsmaterial | vorhanden |