Hausegger, Siegmund von


Hausegger, Siegmund von

Natursymphonie (Nature Symphony) for large orchestra with final chorus

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Siegmund von Hausegger – Natursymphonie (Nature Symphony) for large orchestra with final chorus (1911)

(b. 16 August 1872, Graz – d. 10 October 1948, Munich)

1st movement (p. 4)
2nd movement. Langsam und gedehnt (Slow and broad, p. 79)
3rd movement (p. 118) – Final chorus „Im Namen dessen, der sich selbst erschuf“ (p. 159)

For more than half a century the music of Siegmund von Hausegger had vanished into thin air. Only occasionally some people referred to the conductor Hausegger who had introduced the original versions of Anton Bruckner’s symphonies with the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra. But in 2008, the German label cpo released a CD of his magnum opus, ‚Natursymphonie‘ (Nature Symphony) in a 2005 recording with WDR (West German Radio) Symphony Orchestra and Radio Chorus under the direction of Ari Rasilainen. Since then, all his authorized orchestral works and part of his vocal works with orchestra have been released on CD, and today Hausegger’s significance as a composer is at least under international discussion. This is a curious situation – not only in light of the fact that colleagues such as Richard Strauss or Heinz Tiessen held the ‚Natursymphonie‘ in high esteem.

Siegmund von Hausegger’s ‚Natursymphonie‘ counts among the pinnacles of the golden era of German ’Kapellmeistermusik’ and is one of the few works that are at least equivalent to the symphonies of Gustav Mahler or the symphonic poems of Richard Strauss: in regard of its craftsmanship, and concerning its orchestration, it is on the same level, and it offers more profundity than Strauss and in the art of coherent architecture it is closer to Bruckner than to Mahler. Anton Bruckner and Richard Wagner, these antipodes in spirit with strong outward similarities, were Hauseggers most important idols together with the leading lights of earlier epochs Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert. …



Read full preface > HERE

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225 x 320 mm





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