New in January 2025

Back to the Origins and Toward the Unknown …

Repertoire & Opera Explorer, Music publisher of rare music scores. Its underlying idea was born from the experience that too many great works of music are unknown, forgotten, underrated and unperformed. Moreover, most of this neglected music has been commercially unavailable for a long time.

The work of Repertoire Explorer extends far beyond the needs of collectors. The series aims to change the world of music one step at a time. For this reason, we also produce first editions of neglected masterworks, that should have been published long ago. These are always accompanied by the complete set of performance material.

Every score is introduced with a scholarly preface (English, German), most of which are available online for preview. All this is made possible by a worldwide network of dedicated musicians, musicologists, and music-loving amateurs contributing in many different ways to the success of the series.

Let us know if there is a work that you’ve been searching for in vain. If it is in the public domain, and if there is a score (and perhaps parts) in acceptable condition, we can usually publish it and make it available quite quickly. If it is still under copyright protection, you may be able to help us negotiate with the rightsholders. Some publishers such as Universal Edition in Vienna have agreed to collaborate with us on a broad basis. It is our hope that such examples will inspire others to join us in promoting great music that will otherwise never enter the repertoire.

Look through our catalogue and be inspired.

Call for preface writers and translators

All our scores are introduced with a scholarly preface in English and German. These are typically written by musicians, musicologists and music lovers from all over the world in support of our main endeavour, namely to publish unknown, forgotten, underrated and unperformed great musical works that have been commercially unavailable for many years.

We are now looking to expand our network. Please contact us if you are interested in writing or translating the preface for one of the following titles:

Updated 2 February 2025

Borresen, Hakon Nordiske Folketoner fra Island oh Faeroerne / Mod Doden
Brambach, Caspar Joseph Tasso Op.30
Brandts-Buys, Jan Tancred for cello and small orchestra Op. 35
Braunfels, Walter Die Offenbarung Johannis Op. 17
Caudela, Eduard Moldava
Erdmannsdörfer, Max Prinzessin Ilse overture
Erkel, Franz & Beni, Egressi/ orch. Liszt Szozat und Hymnus
Hausegger, Siegmund von Todtenmarsch
Heger, Robert Zweite Symphonie Op. 21
Heger, Robert Tango für Orchester Op. 25a
Heger, Robert Verdi-Variationen für Orchester Op. 23
Heinrich XXIV, Prinz Reuss Vierte Symphonie op.30 in A-Dur
Kämpf, Karl Liebeslied Op. 96.
Kiel, Friedrich Der Stern von Bethlehem Op. 83, oratorio
Liszt, Franz Sonnenhymnus 2 fassungn
Loewe, Carl / Streicher, Theodor Odins Meeresritt
Louis, Rudolf Proteus, Symphonische Phantasie für Orchester und Orgel ad libitum
Nussio, Otmar Folclore d'Engadina, Suite per orchestra
Peters, Guido Octett in vier Sätzen
Pfitzner, Hans Die Rose vom Liebesgarten
Rabaud, Henri Mârouf, Savetier de Caire
Reuss, August Symphonischer Prolog
Roger-Ducasse, Jean Orphee
Różycki, Ludomir Pan Twardowski Op.
Schumann, Georg dokument falsch Symphonie Nr.2 in f-Moll Op.42
Sigwart, Botho Hektors Bestattung Op. 15
Strube, Gustav Symphonie
Taubert, Ernst Eduard Suite D-Dur in fünf Sätzen Op. 67

Peter Dietz (in charge for prefaces)
Phone +49 (0)89 52 20 81

Notes for authors & translators:
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