New in January 2025
Indian Suite for orchestra, based on authentic Indian Melodies from the collection of Maud MacCarthy (First print/Urtext)
Based on authentic Indian Melodies from the collection of Maud MacCarthy. Transcribed and orchestrated by John Foulds
John Foulds is, to my mind, perhaps the greatest twentieth-century composer of genius to be entirely ignored, not only in England, but altogether. His wholly original music exudes freedom, lightness, immediacy, and a joy of discovery capable of touching and thrilling the listener in a unique way. Foulds was at once a pioneer, a true adventurer, a comprehensive master of form, a vivacious practicing musician as a conductor …
Proverbia Bruegeliana, op. 121, Flemish humorous song play for mixed choir, soli and orchestra (new print / Flemish text)
Marinus de Jong was born in Oosterhout, The Netherlands, but he would spend most of his life in Flanders. At fifteen, he was admitted to the Royal Flemish Conservatoire of Antwerp, where, just three years later, he won first prize for fugue (with Lodewijk Mortelmans) and piano (with Emile Bosquet). In the meantime, he played the viola in different orchestras in Antwerp. He worked so hard that he suffered from exhaustion. When the First World War broke out, he returned to the neutral Netherlands, …
punkt null – version B for Choir, Organ, Soprano, Audience and Chamber Orchestra (first print)
First performance: Bergen, June 17th 1979
Bergen Chamber Ensemble, Sissel Vist (soprano), Bergen Domkantori,
Kristen Øgaard (organ), Magnar Mangersnes (conductor)
Magnar Åm (pronounced “Ohm”) was born in Trondheim. His interest in music revealed itself from early childhood and he began to write small pieces around the age of eleven. He did this in order to make sense of his inner struggles. It was then that he discovered (in his own words) “what a helpful friend music can be”. He describes the process as “going around with an emotional knot and yet making something out of it that sounded beautiful and that others appreciated – a process of metamorphosis”…
The Periodical Overture in 8 Parts No. 10 (edited by Barnaby Priest and Alyson McLamore, new print)
Published by Robert Bremner at the Harp and Hautboy, opposite Somerset-House, in the Strand
Issued: 5 April 1764; price 2 shillings
Source: Henry Watson Music Library – Courtesy of Manchester Libraries,
Information and Archives, Manchester City Council: BR580Cd316
Editors: Barnaby Priest & Alyson McLamore
By April 1764, publisher Robert Bremner (c.1713–1789) had demonstrated a marked fondness for the works of Mannheim composers in the inaugural year of his Periodical Overtures in 8 Parts series, having already issued three works by Johann Stamitz (1717–1757) and …
Foulds, John Herbert
Indian Suite for orchestra, based on authentic Indian Melodies from the collection of Maud MacCarthy (First print/Urtext)
No. 1152a
Glazunov, Alexander
Ballad for orchestra in F major op.78
No. 4940
Bax, Arnold
Mediterranean, Tone Poem for Orchestra
No. 4969
Børresen, Hakon
Symphony No. 3 in C major op. 21
No. 4978
Alyabyev, Alexander
Symphony E Minor
No. 4990
Cannabich, Christian
The Periodical Overture in 8 Parts No. 10 (edited by Barnaby Priest and Alyson McLamore, new print)
No. 4984
Prokofiev, Sergei
Ode To The End of The War for large orchestra Op. 105
No. 4992
Miaskovsky, Nikolai
Links, A Chain of Sketches for orchestra Op. 65
No. 4956
Kienzl, Wilhelm
Don Quixote’s phantastischer Ausritt und seine traurige Heimkehr (from Op. 50)
No. 4987
Voice & Orchestra
de Jong, Marinus
Proverbia Bruegeliana, op. 121, Flemish humorous song play for mixed choir, soli and orchestra (new print / Flemish text)
No. 2652
Åm, Magnar
punkt null – version B for Choir, Organ, Soprano, Audience and Chamber Orchestra (first print)
No. 4985
Pfitzner, Hans
Der arme Heinrich (full opera score in three acts with German libretto)
No. 2156
Solo Instrument & Orchestra
Boieldieu, François-Adrian
Harp Concerto in C major
No. 4962
Saint-Saëns, Camille
Morceau de Concert pour cor et orchestre op. 94
No. 4929
Chamber Music
Blockx, Jan
Jeux d’enfants’ et ‘Le monde des enfants’ pour piano
No. 2651
Beyond the Waves
Bortkiewicz, Serge
Sonate pour Violon et Piano Op.26 (Piano Performance Score & part)
No. 5628
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel
Sonata in D Minor for Violin and Piano Op. 28 (Piano Performance Score & part)
No. 5629
Beyond the Waves
Hensel, Fanny
Six songs for voice and piano (Performance score, 2 copies)
No. 5630
Bartók, Béla
Five songs after texts of A. Ady Op. 16 (Performance score, 2 copies)
No. 5631
Back to the Origins and Toward the Unknown …
Repertoire & Opera Explorer, Music publisher of rare music scores. Its underlying idea was born from the experience that too many great works of music are unknown, forgotten, underrated and unperformed. Moreover, most of this neglected music has been commercially unavailable for a long time.
The work of Repertoire Explorer extends far beyond the needs of collectors. The series aims to change the world of music one step at a time. For this reason, we also produce first editions of neglected masterworks, that should have been published long ago. These are always accompanied by the complete set of performance material.
Every score is introduced with a scholarly preface (English, German), most of which are available online for preview. All this is made possible by a worldwide network of dedicated musicians, musicologists, and music-loving amateurs contributing in many different ways to the success of the series.
Let us know if there is a work that you’ve been searching for in vain. If it is in the public domain, and if there is a score (and perhaps parts) in acceptable condition, we can usually publish it and make it available quite quickly. If it is still under copyright protection, you may be able to help us negotiate with the rightsholders. Some publishers such as Universal Edition in Vienna have agreed to collaborate with us on a broad basis. It is our hope that such examples will inspire others to join us in promoting great music that will otherwise never enter the repertoire.
Look through our catalogue and be inspired.
Call for preface writers and translators
All our scores are introduced with a scholarly preface in English and German. These are typically written by musicians, musicologists and music lovers from all over the world in support of our main endeavour, namely to publish unknown, forgotten, underrated and unperformed great musical works that have been commercially unavailable for many years.
We are now looking to expand our network. Please contact us if you are interested in writing or translating the preface for one of the following titles:
Updated 2 February 2025
Borresen, Hakon | Nordiske Folketoner fra Island oh Faeroerne / Mod Doden |
Brambach, Caspar Joseph | Tasso Op.30 |
Brandts-Buys, Jan | Tancred for cello and small orchestra Op. 35 |
Braunfels, Walter | Die Offenbarung Johannis Op. 17 |
Caudela, Eduard | Moldava |
Erdmannsdörfer, Max | Prinzessin Ilse overture |
Erkel, Franz & Beni, Egressi/ orch. Liszt | Szozat und Hymnus |
Hausegger, Siegmund von | Todtenmarsch |
Heger, Robert | Zweite Symphonie Op. 21 |
Heger, Robert | Tango für Orchester Op. 25a |
Heger, Robert | Verdi-Variationen für Orchester Op. 23 |
Heinrich XXIV, Prinz Reuss | Vierte Symphonie op.30 in A-Dur |
Kämpf, Karl | Liebeslied Op. 96. |
Kiel, Friedrich | Der Stern von Bethlehem Op. 83, oratorio |
Liszt, Franz | Sonnenhymnus 2 fassungn |
Loewe, Carl / Streicher, Theodor | Odins Meeresritt |
Louis, Rudolf | Proteus, Symphonische Phantasie für Orchester und Orgel ad libitum |
Nussio, Otmar | Folclore d'Engadina, Suite per orchestra |
Peters, Guido | Octett in vier Sätzen |
Pfitzner, Hans | Die Rose vom Liebesgarten |
Rabaud, Henri | Mârouf, Savetier de Caire |
Reuss, August | Symphonischer Prolog |
Roger-Ducasse, Jean | Orphee |
Różycki, Ludomir | Pan Twardowski Op. |
Schumann, Georg dokument falsch | Symphonie Nr.2 in f-Moll Op.42 |
Sigwart, Botho | Hektors Bestattung Op. 15 |
Strube, Gustav | Symphonie |
Taubert, Ernst Eduard | Suite D-Dur in fünf Sätzen Op. 67 |
Peter Dietz (in charge for prefaces)
Phone +49 (0)89 52 20 81
Notes for authors & translators:
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