Männerchöre (Works for Men’s chorus) Opp. 9, 12, 17, O Venus, Two motets (1852), Sonnanaufgang (Sunrise), Ballade (1844), Der Tod des Verräters (The Death of a Traitor)
Chorusses for mixed voices (complete edition incl. Requiem)
Songs and Song Cycles for mixed choir a cappella on English and American poetry
Complete Madrigals (in six volumes in a slip case)
Lost and Forgotten Vocal Pieces for One or More Voices Volume 5: Five Choral Pieces on Biblical Themes (first print)
Canons for voices a cappella
Choral Music from Flanders (from 19 Flemish composers)
Sederunt principes (four-part organum in Notre Dame style)
Collected Songs for 4-, 5-, 6- and 8-part mixed choir a cappella (performance score/first print)
Weihnachtslied aus dem 12. Jahrhundert (Christmas Carol from the 12th century) Op. 59 for choir a cappella (Full Score)
Early Chorusses: Der Tag erscheint, Im treuen Sachsenland, An Webers Grabe, New Year’s Cantata, Nicolai