Braunfels, Walter

Braunfels, Walter

Der gläserne Berg, op. 39b, Orchestral Suite

SKU: 4196 Category:



Walter Braunfels – Orchestral Suite from The Glass Mountain op. 39b

(19 December 1882, Frankfurt am Main – 19 March 1954, Cologne)

Prelude p.3
The will-o’-the-wisp p.23
The king’s daughter rides the white wolf p.29
The mother of the winds p.39
The lady sun p.39
The good old moon p.57
Peter and the king’s daughter wander through the starry firmament p.61
In the glass mountain p.67
The bewitched prince is saved p.75

For many decades, silence shrouded the composer Walter Braunfels. Following Hitler’s seizure of power, Braunfels’ rapidly ascendant career came to an end, and he disappeared from public consciousness until the 1990s, when his music experienced a gradual renaissance. Through the efforts of Braunfels’ grandchildren, the opera The Birds [Die Vögel] was staged with an all-star cast, Ulenspiegel was brought to light again and the Capriccio label began systematically to record Braunfels’ works, enticing viewers with eye-catching designs.

Braunfels grew up in a household that exhibited a lively interest in culture – his mother Helene Spohr was a grandniece of the composer Louis Spohr and kept in active contact with Clara Schumann and Franz Liszt; Braunfels’ father, the lawyer Ludwig Braunfels, died three years after Walter was born. Following an education at home with his mother, Walter Braunfels attended Hoch’s Conservatory in Frankfurt, but later enrolled to study law and economics in Munich. After hearing a performance of Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde, Braunfels felt drawn back to music, and consequently went to Vienna to study piano with Theodor Leschetitzky and theory with Karl Nawratil. Returning to Munich, he continued his studies with Ludwig Thuille and joined Felix Mottl’s class – it was indeed Mottl’s performance of Tristan and Isolde that had brought Braunfels back into the musical fold. …

Read full preface > HERE

Score Data




225 x 320 mm





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