Pax Triumphans Op. 26 / Festzug (Festive Procession) Op. 12
Pagina damore Op. 10 , Idylle Op. 20 (works for orchestra)
Pax triumphans Op. 26, Sinfonischer Fest-Prolog für grosses Orchester (arrangement for two pianos by Theodor Bohlman, final chorus with organ or harmonium ad libitum / first print, performance score, 2 copies)
Three Pieces for Piano Op. 6
Eight songs for a lower voice with pianoforte accompaniment Op. 17
Ouverture for wind orchestra (First print)
Symphonie (1820 / first print)
Franciscus (Oratorio) Op. 36
Cantique nuptial (wedding song) Op. 45 for high voice, organ and harpe or piano
Bunte Blätter Op. 32 (Six morceaux de piano)
4 Adventliederen Op. 35 for mixed choir and piano (after Guido Gezelle)
Hochzeitsmarsch (Wedding March) Op. 30 for orchestra
Kollebloemen Op. 20 for Tenor, mixed choir ans orchestra
Au printemps: cinq morceaux de fantaisie pour le piano, Op. 14
Te Deum pour choeur mixte à six voix, orgue et orchestre Op. 46
Trois tableaux symphoniques pour orchestre tirés de la tragédie Polyeucte de P. Corneille, Op. 21
3 Morceaux de Fantaisie, Op. 2 / Scherzo en ut mineur, Op. 3 for piano solo
Te Deum pour Choeur et orgue Op. 46
Sonate in f-Moll, opus 9 for piano
Six Hymns to Mary, op. 34 for four-part mixed choir unaccompanied
Godelieve Op. 43, Muziekdrama (in two volumes with German, Flemish and French libretto)
Organ transcriptions from Tinel’s Franciscus op. 36.Präludium arr. by Joseph Jongen / Trauermarsch arr. by J.B. De Pauw
Godelieve Op. 43, Muziekdrama (Vocal score with German, Flemish and French libretto)
Suite voor strijkorkest (first print)
Refereynen ende liedekens for string orchestra
Bayard Steed Parade for orchestra (Peter Benoit Award for Composition 2021 / format DIN A3 / first print)
La Strada op. 45. Opera in two acts and a prologue after Fellini’s film (Libretto: Eric de Kuyper) 2008 (printed in large format)
Deuxième suite pour quatre violoncelles (first edition / score and parts )
Rondo capriccioso pour piano, opus 25
Pier-Lala, Fantaisie pour Piano, opus 24 / Allegro Agitato pour Piano, opus 28
Mazurka de salon op. 30 for piano solo
Simple mélodie pour piano op. 29
Quatre sonates pour le clavecin, avec un violon et basse ad libitum, opus 5
Nocturne voor beeldhouwer Marc Macken (arr. by Wilfried Westerlinck) for wind ensemble
Memory of London (version for cello with piano / score and part)
Miserere for choir, strings and organ (first print / score and parts)
Meizangen (Songs of May, Symphonic Poem, 1909)
Naar hoger Licht (Towards a Higher Light, Symphonic Poem with solo cello)
Missa Pastorum A + B (Score and parts)
Missa in honorem angelorum (ad tres voces aequales sive inaequales organo comitante)
Missa in honorem Sti Josephi
In ballingschap, symphonic poem (first print)
Woudgetover (Forest enchantment) for orchestra
Cello Concerto in D (Full Score, Piano Reduction, Cello Part)
Cello Concerto in D (full score)
Prière belge pour 1916 (Belgian prayer for 1916) for mixed choir (Performance Score)
Concertaria for trombone (or tuba), versions for trombone and strings and for trombone and piano (first print / score and parts)
Andante appassionata pour cello et piano (score and part / first print)
Declamatorium. Air de concert pour trompette (first print, including tromba solo part & piano reduction)
Ouverture pour le jour de la naissance du Roi de Prusse (Score and parts)