Rhapsodie flamande
Scènes Bruegheliennes. Esquisses symphoniques
Heures d’après-midi / Très doucement for voice and orchestra (Performance Score)
Trio pour piano, violon et violoncelle (first print / score & parts)
Deuxième Messe solennelle en choeur à l’unisson
Six chants réligieux avec accomp. dorgue obligé, violoncelle et contrebasse, ad. libit.
Nocturne in f for piano solo (first print)
Messe, graduel & offertoire Op. 4 pour quatre voix avec accompagnement d’orgue (with parts)
Trio (la mineur) pour piano, violon et violoncelle, Op. 16 (score and parts)
Impromptu in a, opus 6 & Caprice in f, opus 8 for piano solo
Sonate in c, opus 3 für piano solo
Deuxième caprice pour piano solo op. 12
Concerto for bassoon and orchestra
Preludio e narrazione per soprano ed orchestra, Op. 18
Muziek voor strijkers, op. 1 & Musica a quattro mani, op. 1b (Set of full score, 5 string parts, 2 piano performance scores / first print)
Verwandlung (Transformation) for string orchestra
Parcae for violin solo (Jef Van Hoof Prijs 2010)
Elixia for a lost shadow for trumpet and string quartet (score and parts)
Sechs Teile ‘ohne Worte’ for horn and piano (score and part / first print)
Gorcum, symphonic poem for French horn and wind orchestra (piano reduction/solo, first print)
Gorcum, symphonic poem for French horn and wind orchestra (first print)
Songs and Song Cycles for mixed choir a cappella on English and American poetry
Five preludes for oboe and orchestra op. 42 tris (First printed edition)
Cello Concerto Op. 76 (first print)
Tre Pezzi per orchestra darchi
A Kaleidoscope alike…Octuor for woodwinds and strings (first print / score and parts)
For Violoncello solo
Saxofoon- en klarinettenkwartet, opus 31 en 31bis (score and parts, first print)
Sonatina for 2 clarinets in B-flat (2 copies / first print)
Sonata per due Pianoforte, opus 25 (set of two copies / first print)
Éléphantasia for contrabass solo (first print)
Riflessioni per contrabasso e pianoforte (score and parts / first print)
Interlude to the Sea for oboe, bassoon and piano (first print)
I.(n) M.(emoriam) for string quartet, reflection on the Requiem (Introitus) of Johannes Ockeghem (first print / score and parts)
Andante cantabile for violin and piano, Romance sans paroles for violin (or cello) and piano (score and parts)
Rapsoid, Irish rhapsody for pianoforte (first print)
VI concerti, opera prima for four violins, alto viola and basso continuo (FULL SCORE, first print)
VI concerti, opera prima for four violins, alto viola and basso continuo (PARTS, first print)
VI concerti, opera prima for four violins, alto viola and basso continuo (SET OF FULL SCORE & PARTS, first print)
Canzonette ed arie a voce sola di soprano col basso continuo
Quatre vieilles chansons flamandes transcrites pour orchestre
Elegy, opus 192 for flute and harp or violin and piano (first print / score and parts)
Proverbia Bruegeliana, op. 121, Flemish humorous song play for mixed choir, soli and orchestra (new print / Flemish text)
Proverbia Bruegeliana, op. 121, Flemish humorous song play for mixed choir, soli and orchestra (Vocal score with Flemish text / New print)
Pensée élégiaque for four cellos (first print / score and parts)
Noël des enfants qui n’ont plus de maisons for choir & orchestra (first print)
Une ruse de Pierrette (Opéra comique en un acte / pour voix et piano)
Posthumous works – chamber music (Songs, Piano solo, Organ solo)
Preludium en fuga (s.a.) for organ/ Les bourdons de Notre Dame de Courtrai for organ (first print)
Cantilène, Mélodie, Offertoire, Noël for organ (first print, A4 landscape format)