Der Steiger, for alto solo, men’s chorus, offstage chorus [2-3 vocal quartets] and large orchestra
Kaun, Hugo
23,00 €
Wilhelm Ludwig Hugo Kaun – Der Steiger für Männerchor, Alt-Solo, Fernchor u. gr. Orch.
21 March 1863, Berlin, Germany – 2 April 1932, Berlin, Germany
The Foreman [leader of a work crew of miners] (1929)
for alto solo, men’s chorus, offstage chorus [2-3 vocal quartets] and large orchestra
Opening text: „Noch liegt die Flur in Dämmerschein“
Note on the offstage chorus: “2-3 quartets, set up behind the main chorus (or in a side room)”
Note from the composer: “based on a true story”
World premiere:
1929, Offenbach am Main, Germany; conducted by the composer.
full score, Berlin-Schlächtensee: Amsel-Verlag, 1929.
Piano reduction, Berlin-Südende: Amsel-Verlag, 1929.
Original Dedication
Meinem Freunde Ferdinand Bischof, Frankfurt a. M. und dem Sängerchor
des Turnvereins Offenbach a. M. zugeeignet
English Translation of Dedication
to my friend, Ferdinand Bischof [conductor],
Frankfurt am Main and to the Choir of the Gymnastics Club of Offenbach am Main
Read full preface / Das ganze Vorwort lesen> HERE
Score Data
Edition | Repertoire Explorer |
Genre | Chor/Stimme & Orchestra |
Format | 210 x 297 mm |
Druck | Reprint |
Seiten | 68 |