Hvoslef, Ketil

Hvoslef, Ketil

Organ Works Vol. I: Påskevariasjoner, Passacaglia (first print)



Ketil Hvoslef – Ogan Works – Vol. 1

(b. July 19th 1939, Bergen)

Påskevariasjoner (1986)

First performance: Oslo Konserthus, 29. September 1986

Karstein Askeland

Passacaglia (1997-98)

First performance: Oslo Konserthus, 23. September 1997

Karstein Askeland

Ketil Hvoslef was born in Bergen on July 19th 1939. He is the youngest son of Harald Sæverud and Marie Hvoslef. He arrived at a propitious time, since his birth coincided with the completion of Siljustøl, the great mansion in the outskirts of Bergen where the Sæverud family settled and where his father lived until his passing in 1992. It also proved to be a haven during the Nazi invasion of Norway in the Second World War.

Being the son of a great composer, music was naturally very present during his upbringing. He learned to play the piano and the viola and, in his teens, he became heavily involved in Bergen’s jazz and pop music environment, becoming a member of what was, reportedly, Bergen’s first rock band. Hvoslef (who retained the Sæverud surname until his 40th birthday, when he decided to adopt that of his mother) had, however, plans to become a painter and took serious steps in that direction. It was in the Bergen Art Academy that he met the painter Inger Bergitte Flatebø (1938 – 2008), who would become his wife and adopt the Sæverud surname.

With the birth of their first child, Trond, in 1962, Hvoslef realized that he needed to provide for his family and, abandoning his dreams to become either a pop star or a painter he took an organist’s diploma at the Bergen Music Conservatoire. Upon finishing his studies, he was offered a position as theory teacher at the Conservatoire by its director, the legendary Gunnar Sævig (1924 – 1969). …


Full preface  read > HERE

Score Data


Amethyst Edition


Solo Instrument


225 x 320 mm







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