Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno


Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno

La Vita Nuova (Das neue Leben) Cantica su parole di Dante Op. 9

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Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari – La Vita Nuova

(Das neue Leben/The New Life) Cantica su parole di Dante op. 9 (1901)

(b. Venice, 12 January 1876 – d. Venice, 21 January 1948)

I. Io mi son pargoletta. Cantando molto (p. 7)

Parte prima
II. Ballata. Fresca rosa novella. (p. 30) – Più mosso (p. 36) – Più largo (p. 44) – Tempo primo (p. 49) – attacca:
III. Danza degli Angeli „per prata e per verdura gaiamente“ (p. 54)
IV. Arioso. Donne che avete (p. 61) – attacca:
V. Sonetto. Negli occhi porta. Calmo, senza rigor di tempo (p. 64) – Ancora la danza,come cosa lontana (p. 67)
VI. Canzone. Angelo clama (p. 71) – Largo (p. 75) – Più largo (p. 78) – Più mosso (p. 79) – Più largo (p. 83) –
Più mosso (p. 86) – Più largo (p. 88) – Diletti miei (p. 89) – Lentissimo (p. 92)

VII. Preludio (p. 94) – attacca:
VIII. Sonetto I. Voi che portate. Poco più mosso (p. 116) – Più largo (p. 117) – Agitato – Più largo (p. 121) attacca:
IX. Sonatto II. Sei tu colui. Adagio (p. 124)

Parte Seconda
X. Sonetto. Tanto gentile (p. 134)
XI. La Morte. Lento assai (p. 142) – attacca:
XII. Recitativo. Quomodo sedet. Adagio (p. 145) – attacca:
XIII. Canzone. Ita n’è Beatrice. Adagio (p. 146) – attacca:
XIV. Sonetto. Lasso! Per forza. Il tempo libero, declamando (p. 151) – Disperato (p. 153) – Terribile (p. 155) –
Adagio sostenuto (p. 162) – Avanti (p. 168) – Più largamente (p. 169) – Avanti (p. 174) – Largo assai –
Tranquillo (p. 180) – Adagio (p. 181)

Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari is now known almost exclusively as the composer of his once extremely successful comic operas. But even these operas, with their fine humour and subtle musical qualities, have almost completely disappeared from the repertoire, as they are not suitable for the provocative placativity of modern director’s theatre. Apart from the fact that not only his colleague Hans Pfitzner considered Wolf-Ferrari the most wonderful master of comic opera since Albert Lortzing, Wolf-Ferrari also wrote wonderful orchestral and chamber music as well as vocal works. Most frequently played today are some preludes and interludes from his operas as well as the solo concertinos for oboe, bassoon and cor anglais. …

Read full preface > HERE

Score Data


Choir/Voice & Orchestra


225 x 320 mm





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