Radecke, Robert


Radecke, Robert

Symphony in F Major Op. 50

SKU: 4580 Category:



Robert Radecke – Symphony in F Major Op. 50 (1877)

(b. Dziećmorowice, Poland, 31. October 1830 – d. Wernigerode, 21. June 1911)

First Movement p. 3
Second Movement p. 64
Third Movement p. 117
Fourth Movement p. 139

Symphony in F-Major Opus 50 is perhaps the most significant orchestral composition of composer, conductor, and music entrepreneur Robert Albert Martin Radecke. Although his compositional output was not large, he was well known to his contemporaries for his position of Royal Kapellmeister at the Berlin Court Opera, which he held from 1863 to 1878, when he was hired to teach at the Stern Conservatoire in Berlin. Radecke was also the director of the Royal Prussian Institute of Church Music. In addition to these professional appointments, Radecke was fluent on the organ, piano, and violin and maintained chamber music activities throughout his life.

An article from the Stiftung Historische Kirchhöfe und Friedhöfe in Berlin-Brandenburg written for the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Radecke’s death lists a few of his most significant compositions: (1) “the well-known and popular” Lied setting Rückerts “Aus der Jugendzeit” (1859); (2), Symphony in F major Op. 50, the subject of this preface; (3) the operetta Die Mönchguter (1874), (4) Capriccio for Large Orchestra (1891), and (5) Prelude in E minor for Organ.1 Several dozens of works by Radecke remain, both with and without opus number.

Radecke was part of a vibrant musical network, which included, among other musicians, violinist Joseph Joachim (1831–1907). Radecke and Joachim’s friendship extended back to their study days in Leipzig in the 1840s and lasted their entire lives.2 As part of his appointment as director of the Berlin Court Opera, Radecke ran a concert series and hosted and conducted many significant virtuosos. Radecke dedicated to Joachim his Notturno for large orchestra Op. 55 (1890), a composition whose title at least suggests a response to Joseph Joachim’s own Notturno Op. 12 for violin and orchestra (1858). Joachim performed under Radecke’s direction on numerous occasions.3 Additionally, Joachim was the godfather of Radecke’s youngest son. …


Full preface / Komplettes Vorwort > HERE

Score Data


Repertoire Explorer




210 x 297 mm





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