Ballade pour piano et orchestre (1939)

Martin, Frank
23,00 €
Martin, Frank – Ballade pour piano et orchestre (1939)
(b. Geneva, 15 September 1890; d. Naarden, Netherlands, 21 November 1974)
Frank Martin and Arthur Honegger are the towering figures among Swiss composers of the twentieth century. Both hailed from Francophone Switzerland, both espoused a seriousness of purposes rooted in their Calvinist surroundings, and both excelled in large-scale works for chorus and orchestra that owed much to the example of Bach. At a time when Schoenberg’s dodecaphonic method was known only to a few close disciples and initiates, Martin undertook a deep study of the technique in the early 1930s and adapted it to his own compositional needs. The results were triumphantly presented in his oratorio Le Vin herbé on the Tristan legend (1938-41), the work which first brought him to international attention. If his fame today mainly resides in this and other large-scale vocal works, especially the oratorio Golgotha (1945-8), he nevertheless brought forth a large body of superior instrumental music, of which the Petite symphonie concertante (1945), a work commissioned and premièred by Paul Sacher that has become perhaps his best-known piece altogether, may serve as a supreme example. …
Full Preface / Komplettes Vorwort > HERE
Score Data
Edition | Repertoire Explorer |
Genre | Keyboard & Orchestra |
Pages | 108 |
Size | 160 x 240 mm |
Printing | Reprint |