Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell


Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell

Jason, dramatic cantata for solo voices, chorus and orchestra Op. 26 (Vocal Score with English libretto)



Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell – Jason, dramatic cantata for solo voices, chorus and orchestra Op. 26 (Vocal Score with English libretto)

(b. Edinburgh, 22 August 1847 – d. London, 28 April 1935)

Dramatic cantata

It is not usual for a 10-year old Scottish lad to be taken by his father to study music in Germany and, on being left there in the ducal town of Sondershausen, told that he will never see his father again. That was what happened to Alexander Mackenzie, for his father was ill and knew he was dying. Was it cruel of him to leave the lad alone on the edge of the Harz mountains, apprenticed to Kapellmeister Stein? No, it was not. It was a selfless gift of a future for a talented boy who rose to eminence in European music, admired by Liszt, Busoni, Hans von Bülow, Pablo Sarasate and Edward Elgar; who was knighted by Queen Victoria in 1895 and made Knight Commander of the Victorian Order by King Edward VII in 1922 and, to this day, shamefully neglected by his own nation…

For more information about the work read the preface to the full score:

Score Data


Repertoire Explorer


Choir/Voice & Orchestra


225 x 320 mm


Vocal Score with English libretto



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