Windhagauer, Horst Rudolf


Windhagauer, Horst Rudolf

Sáppho und Pháon. Poem for Piano, Violin, Viola and Violoncello, WN 2 (first print / set score & parts)



Windhagauer, Horst Rudolf

Sáppho und Pháon. Tondichtung für Klavier, Violine, Viola und Violoncello
2013 WN 2 (Erstdruck / Set Partitur & Stimmen)

Horst Rudolf Windhagauer

Horst Rudolf Windhagauer was born in 1955 at Gmunden/Austria and grew up in Nuremberg, a city in nothern Bavaria. Since 1998 he lives with his family in Bamberg.
He studied Violoncello, piano and composition in Nuremberg and Wuerzburg with Claus Reichardt and Prof. Julius Berger. He was a member of several ensembles for chamber music, so the „Trio elegiáque“, the „Arpa Trio“ and the „Cello quartet of Nuremberg“.
Since 1998 he was the leader of the cellist group at the „Chamber orchestra of Bamberg“.
In 2016 he created the „Quartetto cellistico Bamberg“. For this ensemble he wrote and adapted a number of pieces.
Several works for chambermusic he wrote during the years of 2012 until 2017 for the international wellknown ensemble the „Giocoso Quartett“.
Since 1988 he his a teacher for cello at the Highschool for music in Erlangen.
As a student for composition with Gottfried Muller, who was an expert for the music of Bach, he developed as a composer – during many years – a very personal style of music, which lies between his baroque idols, a moderate modern style and the late Richard Strauss.


Adagio – Largo – Adagio

Dieses einsätzige Werk für Klavierquartett atmet altgriechische Luft! In spätromantischer Weise wird die tragische Liebesgeschichte zwischen der großen Dichterin von Lesbos und ihrer unerfüllten Liebe erzählt. Die a/b/á-Form widerspiegelt die Charaktere der beiden Liebenden und wird von einem hochvirtuosen Klavierpart getragen, wobei jedoch die Streicher die motivische Hauptrolle spielen.

Score Data


Cantarco Edition




225 x 320 mm


Set Partitur & Stimmen





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