Parry, Charles Hubert


Parry, Charles Hubert

The Birds of Aristophanes (Suite from the incidental music, edited by P. Brookes)



Parry, Charles Hubert – The Birds of Aristophanes (Suite from the incidental music, edited by P. Brookes)

(b. Bournemouth, 27 February 1848 — d. Knight’s Croft, Rustington, 7 October 1918)

for the Cambridge Greek Play of 1883
Parry and The Birds

Charles Hubert Hastings Parry was the second son of the artist Thomas Gambier Parry. He was
born in the fashionable seaside resort of Bournemouth and educated at Twyford School, Eton and
Oxford, where he took both a B.Mus and B.A. Although he initially became an underwriter at
Lloyd’s of London, his real passion was for music, and he undertook further studies in with H. H.
Pierson in Stuttgart, William Sterndale Bennett and G A Macfarren.
However, his most influential teacher was the German-born pianist Edward Dannreuther, a

champion of modern music who founded the London Wagner Society. It was Dannreuther who
promoted the first performance of Parry’s very Wagnerian overture Guillem de Cabestanh, and
played the F# minor Piano Concerto (under the direction of the great Hans Richte …


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Score Data

Special Edition

The Phillip Brookes Collection






160 x 240 mm

Performance materials



First print


160 x 240 mm

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