Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus


Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Concerto for Clarinet or Violin and orchestra in E flat Major, after the Violin Concerto No. 6, KV. 268 (first print). Revision: E. Buschmann und J. Kanz



Wolfgang Amadé Mozart – Concerto for Clarinet (or) Violin and Orchestra

After the Violin Concerto No. 6 Eb Major / K. 268 (ed. Johann André 1799.)


When Dieter Klöcker – about 1980 – purchased from Kurt Rauschenbach’s son, his father’s complete estate of musical notes, he discovered a Solo Part of a «Divertimento per il clarinetto e pianoforte». (Kurt Rauschenbach had have been a prominent Clarinettist of his time.) This part soon was recognised as hitherto unknown version of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart’s 6th Violin Concerto (K.268). This part is said to go back to Anton Stadler, Mozart’s friend; and was given to us by  Giralomo Salieri. So, things moved again, for musicologist’s researches had strengthened the doubts about the authenticity of this 6th Violin Concerto. Unfortunately, the original Piano Part of this «Divertimento per il clarinetto e pianoforte» is missing until today.

K. 268 became printed already 1799 by Johann André at Offenbach/Main – only as a Set of Parts – as usual in those days, and one of the Mozart’s very first works that was printed ! (We don’t know, when it was composed; 1780 seems realistic and probably already Johann André, the Elder let it print.) But in 1882 finally the Old Mozart Complete Edition offered the score, edited by  Ernst Rudorff, In musical practice this concert kept a certain importance; the Piano Scores and arranged Solo Parts are the proof. But the lacks not were overseen; mostly they regarded as a work, thoroughly drafted by Mozart, a very interesting work, but elaborated quite unstylish and poor orchestrated. Even Alfred Einstein had in 1937 this opinion, but gave it still in his revision of the Köchel Catalogue the number 356b. The actual Köchel Catalogue regards as unauthentic and only became a number in the Appendix: KV. C. 14.01. So it became pretty quiet about the concerto. The las prominent Soloists were Yehudi Menuhin and Henryk Szeryng. One of the most recently recordings made Mela Tenebaum in the 90ties. …


Full preface / Komplettes Vorwort > HERE

Score Data


Violin & Orchestra

Performance Materials



First print



Special Size

210 x 297 mm landscape format

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