Moór, Emanuel


Moór, Emanuel

Symphony in C “To the Memory of Lajos Kossuth”

SKU: 4371 Category:



Emanuel Moór – Symphony in C ‘To the Memory of Lajos Kossuth’ (1895)

b. Kecskemét, Hungary, 19. February 1863 – d. Chardonne, Switzerland, 20. October 1931)

Andante Maestoso p.4
Andante Sostenuto p.34
Scherzo p.50
Finale p.73

Published 1895, Simrock, Berlin
Premiere: 14 March 1895, London

The meteoric fame of the Hungarian composer Emanuel Moór over a century ago has been eclipsed in our present-day histories by Franz Liszt and Béla Bartók, representatives of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Hungarian music. Straddling the two epochal figures, Moór’s life is worth revisiting: in his youth, he purportedly met Liszt and Brahms1; in 1889, he was one of the earliest musicians recorded on the Edison phonograph; and in the 1920s, his inventive dual-manual “Duplex Pianoforte” enjoyed the support of firms such as Aeolian, Pleyel, Bechstein, and Bösendorfer. As a composer, Moór’s output of upwards 150 opera reveals a staggering eight symphonies, instrumental sonatas, a Double Cello Concerto, a Triple Concerto, operas, keyboard music, and large-scale choral works. Among his advocates were no lesser personalities than Pablo Casals, George Henschel, Harold Bauer, Jacques Thibaud, and Henri Marteau. By way of introduction, we may briefly summarize his life: …

Moór’s career began as a child prodigy in Kecskemét, ninety kilometers southeast of Pest. As the son of a Jewish cantor and opera singer, he received training in organ, piano, and composition. After studies with the leading German pedagogue Robert Volkmann (1831-1883) in Pest, followed by a brief period of lessons in Vienna with Anton Bruckner (presumably organ) and Anton Door (piano), Moór returned to his native Hungary at the age of 18, accepting a piano professorship in Szeged. Four years later in 1885, Emanuel and his father, Rafael Moór, numbered among the second wave of nearly 2 million Hungarians who immigrated to the United States between 1870 and 1920.


Read full preface  > HERE



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Repertoire Explorer




210 x 297 mm





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