Loewe, Carl


Loewe, Carl

Die Zerstörung von Jerusalem (The Destruction of Jerusalem), large oratorio in two parts on a text by Gustav Nicolai

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Carl Loewe – The Destruction of Jerusalem Op. 30, Large Oratorio

(b. Löbejün, November 30, 1796 – d. Kiel, April 20, 1869)

The Destruction of Jerusalem Op. 30
Large Oratorio in two parts on a text by Gustav Nicolai (1795-1868)

Ouverture. Grave (p. 2) – Allegro con spirito (p. 4)

First part. The Annunciation
No. 1. Coro “No, I will not bear the yoke”. Molto meno allegro (p. 36)
No. 2 Recitativo ed Aria con Coro “Unworthy people”. Andante (p. 50) – Allegro con sforza (p. 51)
No. 3 Recitativo ed Aria “Unfortunate people”. Andante (p. 60) – Un poco adagio (p. 61)
No. 4 Recitativo e Coro “You plead in vain, Princess”. Allegro (p. 67) – Allegro maestoso (p. 68) –
Allegro furioso (p. 85) –
No. 5 Recitativo e Duetto “Woe! the people! they stone their king!” (p. 90) – Allegro tranquillo (p. 91)
No. 6 Marcia (p. 97)
No. 7 Coro “Johannes reigns!”. Allegro (p. 100)
No. 8 Recitativo e Coro “O lamentation! O blinded people!”. Maestoso (p. 108) – Grave (p. 109) –
Allegro (p. 117)
No. 9 Recitativo ed Aria “Ye sons of Abraham, be of one accord!”. Allegro (p. 120) –
Un poco adagio (p. 121)
No. 10 Terzetto e Coro “Wherever I look, the enemy approaches” (p. 129) – Allegro (p. 130)
No. 11 Recitativi e Coro “Lord, already You hear Your servant” (p. 138) – Allegro maestoso (p. 139)
No. 12 Coro “Gentiles. Roma, you are wicked”. Allegro furioso (p. 155)
No. 13 Hymn “Holy love”. Un poco adagio (p. 159)
No. 14 Coro “The emperor sends the hero’s son”. Tempo di Marcia, Maestoso (p. 173)
No. 15 Arioso e Corale fugato “Stay piously in your prayer!” L’istesso tempo –
Adagio ma non troppo (p. 177) – Corale in tempo, Canto figurato (p. 182)
No. 16 Coro “The emperor sends the hero’s son”. Tempo di marcia (p. 183)
No. 17 Recitativo e Coro “Hurry away from the city” (p. 186) – Fuga, Allegro maestoso (p. 187)

Second part. The Fulfillment
No. 18 Introduzione (p. 213)
No. 19 Coro “Roma! Hail, mighty Roma!”. Allegro vivace (p. 215)
No. 20 Aria “Stand detained, a jew!”. Andante maestoso (p. 224) – Allegro (p. 227) –
Andante maestoso (p. 232)
No. 21 Sacrificial hymn. Coro “Thou who dwellest above the stars”. Grave, con majesta (p. 234)
No. 22 Recitativo e Quintetto “Since I saw Berenice” (p. 248) – Quintetto. Andante (p. 252) –
Agitato (p. 260) – Più allegro (p. 274)
No. 23 Recitativo e Coro “Hear me, men of Jerusalem!”. Moderato (p. 289) – Allegro (p. 292)
No. 24 Aria e Coro “O, you pale shadows”. Allegro non tanto (p. 295) – Coro. Allegro (p. 301)
No. 25 Recitativo ed Arioso “You ungrateful motherland”. Larghetto (p. 306) –
Larghetto quasi andante (p. 307)
No. 26 Recitativo e Coro “So shall be, you warriors hear it”. (p. 309) – Coro. Allegro vivace (p. 311)
No. 27 Finale. Allegro con Recitativo “So shall I from the hill here” (p. 319) –
A tempo “But alas! they rebound” (p. 327) – “The wall sinks” (p. 338) – “Lawn I will; murder I will” (p. 344) – “No! The God of Abraham knows no mercy” (p. 354) – “O Lord! O great all-merciful God” (p. 364)
No. 28 Fuga “For these are the days of vengeance”. Alla breve (p. 379) – Poco più mosso (p. 391)


Read full preface / Das ganze Vorwort lesen> HERE

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Repertoire Explorer


Choir/Voice & Orchestra


210 x 297 mm





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