Hartmann, Emil


Hartmann, Emil

Karnevalsfest for orchestra, Op. 32

SKU: 4034 Category:



Emil Hartmann – Ein Karnevalsfest. Ballet Divertissement for Orchestra, Op. 32

(b. Copenhagen, 21. February 1836 – d. Copenhagen, 18. July 1898)

Dedicated to Baldiun Dahl

Marcia p.3
Mazurka p. 29
Introduzione (Scène d’amour) e Valse p. 54
Intermezzo (La Coquette) p.83
Tarantella p. 89

Preface (Oliver Fraenzke, April 2018 / Translation: Leesa Wheatley)
Emil Hartmann came from one of the most influential families of composers in Denmark: his great-grandfather Johan Hartmann (1726-1793) and his grandfather August Wilhelm Hartmann (1775-1850) were sought-after violinists, while his father Johan Peter Emilius Hartmann (1805-1900) was deemed a composer of international standing. J.P.E. Hartmann initially married Emma Zinn (1807-1851). Four years after her death, he married her friend Thora Jacobsen (1807-1889). He and Emma Zinn had nine children, six of whom lived into adulthood. Sophie Hartmann (1831-1855), the eldest daughter, married Niels Wilhelm Gade (1817-1890) who to this day is considered Denmark’s greatest symphonist. As Edvard Grieg’s (1843-1907) teacher, Gade had a profound influence on Grieg’s early works, especially on the symphonies and piano sonatas. Emil (1836-1898) and Carl Hartmann (1837-1901) were followed by Clara (1839-1925), who married August Winding (1839-1899), thus bringing another prominent name from the Danish music world into the family. Thereafter followed Emma Hartmann (1841-1914) and finally Frederik August (known as Frits) Hartmann (1843-1908).


Read full preface > HERE

Score Data


Repertoire Explorer




210 x 297 mm





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