The Prison, Symphony for Soprano, Bass-Baritone, Chorus and Orchestra
Des Heilands letzte Stunden (Our Saviours Final Hours). Oratorio for choir and orchestra
Die letzten Dinge (The Last Judgement) Oratorio
Songs of the Sea, Op. 91 for baritone, male chorus & orchestra
Midvinter Op. 24 for mixed Chorus and Orchestra
Folket i Nifelhem for choir and orchestra
Liebeszauber (Loves Spell) Ballad for Baritone and Orchestra
Wandrers Sturmlied Op. 14 for six-part choir and grand orchestra
Taillefer for voices, choir and orchestra Op. 52 (German & English libretto)
Bardengesang for three four-part male choirs and orchestra, Op. 55
Austria Op. 78 for grand orchestra with male choir
Doric Star for chorus and orchestra (first print)
Neuem Leben entgegen (Towards a New Life). Festival March for the Olympic Games 1932 Op. 35c for mixed choir and orchestra
Epilog Op. 37 for choir and orchestra
Te Deum Laudamus (Boer War Te Deum) with Sullivan’s original hymn Onward Christian Soldiers
Le Laudi di San Francesco dAssisi (Cantico delle Creature) Op. 25 for soli, choir and orchestra
Le Laudi di San Francesco d’Assisi (Cantico delle Creature) Op. 25 for soli, choir and orchestra (Vocal Score)
Stabat Mater for Solo Voices, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra
Songs of the Infatuated Muezzin, op. 42 (Vocal Score with Polish, English & German libretto, 2 copies)
Penthesilea for soprano and orchestra Op. 18
Litany to the Virgin Mary Op. 59 for soprano, womens chorus and orchestra
Veni creator
Songs of the Infatuated Muezzin, Op. 42
Love Songs of Hafiz for solo voice and orchestra, Op. 26
Demeter for alto solo, female chorus, and orchestra
Po prochtenii psalma (Upon Reading a Psalm) Cantata Op. 36
Ioann Damaskin (St. John of Damascus) Cantata Op. 1 (with Russian libretto)
Poppy Fields – Câmpuri de maci, Oratorio in memory of the soldiers who died during the First World War (first print)
Mysterium tremendum Cantata for mezzo-soprano (ossia Tenor) and orchestra (first print)
Franciscus (Oratorio) Op. 36
Kollebloemen Op. 20 for Tenor, mixed choir ans orchestra
Te Deum pour choeur mixte à six voix, orgue et orchestre Op. 46
Godelieve Op. 43, Muziekdrama (in two volumes with German, Flemish and French libretto)
Godelieve Op. 43, Muziekdrama (Vocal score with German, Flemish and French libretto)
“Hamlet” Op. 67a (Incidental music)
Moskwa Cantata
Motetti a Canto Solo con Stromenti
Magnificat RV 610a / RV 611
Missa in honorem angelorum (ad tres voces aequales sive inaequales organo comitante)
Raffael Op. 26 for chorus and orchestra, op. 26
Sappho Op. 49, Dramatic Scene for Solo Soprano with Orchestra
Vampyr-Arie (Vampyre-Aria), numbers for insertion in “Marie, Max und Michel” and Bellini’s Norma, Descente de la Courtille
Das Liebesmahl der Apostel (The Feast of Pentecost) for male chorusses & orchestra
Early Chorusses: Der Tag erscheint, Im treuen Sachsenland, An Webers Grabe, New Year’s Cantata, Nicolai
Das Liebesmahl der Apostel (The Feast of Pentecost) for male chorusses & orchestra (Piano Reduction)
Preciosa Op. 78, incidental music to the play Preciosa by Pius Alexander Wolff (with German libretto)
Preciosa Op. 78, incidental music to the play Preciosa by Pius Alexander Wolff (Vocal Score with English & German libretto)
Great Youth Mass in E flat major for soli, mixed choir, orchestra and organ
Traumnacht und Sturmhymnus (Dreamy Night and Tempestuous Hymn) for choir & orchestra Op. 38
Zwei Gesänge von Gottfried Keller für eine tiefere Singstimme mit Begleitung des Orchesters Op. 35 & Vier Gesänge für eine höhere Singstimme mit Begleitung des Orchesters Op. 36 (orchestral songs)