New in February 2025
Sämtliche Lieder in drei Bänden, Band 1 (Kritische Neuausgabe nach den Manuskripten und Erstdrucken von Wolfgang Müller-Steinbach / new print)
While Draeseke’s symphonic oeuvre, his chamber music and his choral works have become more and more widely known thanks to the tireless and commendable work of the International Draeseke Society (IDG, since 1986), his songs * remain virtually unnoticed. This is probably mainly due to the fact that some of them are difficult to access and are not always available in error-free prints. Fortunately, the board and members of the IDG have responded positively to my suggestions for a new print …
Symphony No.3 in C major op. 32 for large orchestra (first print/Urtext, edited by Christian Biskup)
Ludolf Nielsen is just one of the many Danish composers who have fallen into oblivion due to the overpowering shadow of Carl Nielsen. Yet the biographies of the two, incidentally unrelated namesakes, show remarkable parallels. Both Carl and Ludolf grew up in a rural environment before they were drawn to the Danish capital to study, where both were quickly counted among the most promising musicians of their generation. While Carl Nielsen succeeded in adapting his musical language to the musical trends, Ludolf remained faithful to the Romantic idiom throughout his life, which may be the reason for his early demise on the world stage. …
Zingari, dramma lirico (full opera score with Italian libretto)
The opera ‘Zingari’ based on the narrative poem ‘The Gypsies’ by Alexander Pushkin, published in 1827. Enrico Cavacchioli and Guglielmo Emanuel turned it into a libretto. The work was premiered at the Hippodrome in London on 16 September 1912.
Formally, it is a dramma lirico performed in Italian language and separated in two episodes (acts) by an intermezzo. The action takes place in the Lower Danube region around 1900 …
Romeo and Juliet Op.64 (complete ballet in 4 acts, 52 sc.)
Romeo and Juliet (Russian: Ромео и Джульетта), Op. 64, is a ballet by Sergei Prokofiev based on William Shakespeare’s play. It was composed in 1935 and revised for its Soviet premiere in 1940.
Prokofiev began working on Romeo and Juliet during a politically tense period in the Soviet Union. Despite facing censorship and political challenges, he crafted an emotionally rich score inspired by Renaissance culture. The music blends lush harmonies with contrasting rhythms to capture emotions ranging from love to tragedy. …
Glazunov, Alexander
Une Fete slave Op. 26a, symphonic sketch from the ‘Slav Quartet’
No. 4998
Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius
Overture to Hakon Jarl
No. 4988
Liszt, Franz
Rákóczy March
No. 4997
Nielsen, Ludolf
Symphony No.3 in C major op. 32 for large orchestra (first print/Urtext, edited by Christian Biskup)
No. 4994
Palmgren, Selim
Aus Finnland op. 24, Vier symphonische Bilder
No. 4999
Schumann, Robert / orch. Mahler, Gustav
Symphony No. 2 in C major op. 61 ‘mit Instrumental-Retouchen von Gustav Mahler’
No. 4986
Stamitz, Johann
The Periodical Overture in 8 parts No. 11 (Edited by Barnaby Priest and Alyson McLamore / new print)
No. 6000
Jongen, Joseph
Symphonie Concertante for organ and orchestra, Op.81
No. 4996
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero
Zingari, dramma lirico (full opera score with Italian libretto)
No. 2157
Prokofiev, Sergei
Romeo and Juliet Op.64 (compl. ballet in 4 acts, 2 volumes)
No. 6001
Voice & Piano
Draeseke, Felix
Sämtliche Lieder in drei Bänden, Band 1 (Kritische Neuausgabe nach den Manuskripten und Erstdrucken von Wolfgang Müller-Steinbach)
No. 4981
String Orchestra
Martin, Frank
Études pour orchestre à cordes
No. 4991
Chamber Music
Gohr, Peter Emil
Paraphrase über ein altdeutsches Weihnachtslied for Piano, Violin and Cello (Piano performance score & 2 parts)
No. 2653
Chamber Music
Ungureanu, Dragoș
Gletscher · Glaciers · Still · Silence’ for saxophone and piano (first print)
No. 6005
Beyond the Waves
Bax, Arnold
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano (Piano Performance Score & part)
No. 5632
Busch, Adolf
Sonata No. 2 in A minor for violin and piano Op. 56 (Piano Performance Score & part)
No. 5633
Beyond the Waves
Bax, Arnold
Fantasy Sonata for harp and viola (Piano Performance Score & part)
No. 5634
Vierne, Louis
Deux Pièces pour alto and accompagnement de piano (Piano Performance Score & part)
No. 5635
Back to the Origins and Toward the Unknown …
Repertoire & Opera Explorer, Music publisher of rare music scores. Its underlying idea was born from the experience that too many great works of music are unknown, forgotten, underrated and unperformed. Moreover, most of this neglected music has been commercially unavailable for a long time.
The work of Repertoire Explorer extends far beyond the needs of collectors. The series aims to change the world of music one step at a time. For this reason, we also produce first editions of neglected masterworks, that should have been published long ago. These are always accompanied by the complete set of performance material.
Every score is introduced with a scholarly preface (English, German), most of which are available online for preview. All this is made possible by a worldwide network of dedicated musicians, musicologists, and music-loving amateurs contributing in many different ways to the success of the series.
Let us know if there is a work that you’ve been searching for in vain. If it is in the public domain, and if there is a score (and perhaps parts) in acceptable condition, we can usually publish it and make it available quite quickly. If it is still under copyright protection, you may be able to help us negotiate with the rightsholders. Some publishers such as Universal Edition in Vienna have agreed to collaborate with us on a broad basis. It is our hope that such examples will inspire others to join us in promoting great music that will otherwise never enter the repertoire.
Look through our catalogue and be inspired.
Call for preface writers and translators
All our scores are introduced with a scholarly preface in English and German. These are typically written by musicians, musicologists and music lovers from all over the world in support of our main endeavour, namely to publish unknown, forgotten, underrated and unperformed great musical works that have been commercially unavailable for many years.
We are now looking to expand our network. Please contact us if you are interested in writing or translating the preface for one of the following titles:
Updated 4 March 2025
Achron, Joseph | Golem for chamber orchestra |
Adam, Charles Adolphe | Messe solenelle |
Bittner, Julius | 5 Lieder |
Borresen, Hakon | Nordiske Folketoner fra Island oh Faeroerne / Mod Doden |
Brambach, Caspar Joseph | Tasso Op.30 |
Brandts-Buys, Jan | Tancred for cello and small orchestra Op. 35 |
Büttner, Paul | Ouvertüre in h-Moll |
Caudela, Eduard | Moldava |
Davidoff, Carl | Suite pour orchestre |
Erdmannsdörfer, Max | Prinzessin Ilse overture |
Erkel, Franz & Beni, Egressi/ orch. Liszt | Szozat und Hymnus |
Hausegger, Siegmund von | Todtenmarsch |
Heger, Robert | Zweite Symphonie Op. 21 |
Heger, Robert | Tango für Orchester Op. 25a |
Heger, Robert | Verdi-Variationen für Orchester Op. 23 |
Kämpf, Karl | Liebeslied Op. 96. |
Kiel, Friedrich | Der Stern von Bethlehem Op. 83, oratorio |
Langaard, Rud | Symfoni Nr.7 |
Lange-Müller, Peter Erasmus | In der Alhambra Op.3 |
Liszt, Franz | Sonnenhymnus 2 fassungn |
Loewe, Carl / Streicher, Theodor | Odins Meeresritt |
Louis, Rudolf | Proteus, Symphonische Phantasie für Orchester und Orgel ad libitum |
Malling, Otto | Pianokonzert c- Moll Op.43 |
Nussio, Otmar | Folclore d'Engadina, Suite per orchestra |
Palmgren, Selim | Métamorphoses no. 3 op. 41 |
Peters, Guido | Octett in vier Sätzen |
Prokofiev, Sergei | Summer Day Op.65bis |
Rabaud, Henri | Mârouf, Savetier de Caire |
Rabaud, Henri | Divertissement sur des Chansins Russes Op.2 |
Raff, Joachim | Festouvertüre für grosses Orchester Op-117 |
Reuss, August | Symphonischer Prolog |
Reuss, Heinrich | Vierte Symphonie op.30 in A-Dur |
Roger-Ducasse, Jean | Orphee |
Różycki, Ludomir | Pan Twardowski Op. |
Schumann, Georg | Symphonie Nr.2 in f-Moll Op.42 |
Sigwart, Botho | Hektors Bestattung Op. 15 |
Strong, George Templeton | Songs of an American Peddler |
Taubert, Ernst Eduard | Suite D-Dur in fünf Sätzen Op. 67 |
Tomaschek, Wenzel Johann | Grande Sinfonia |
Tschaikowsky, Peter | Ode to Joy |
Tschaikowsky, Peter | Cantata for the Opening of the Polytechnic Exhibition |
Weill, Kurt | Quodlibet for orchestra |
Windsperger, Lothar | Konzert für Violine und Oprchester Op. 39 |
Woyrsch, Felix | Ode an den Tod Op.57 |
Wüllner, Franz | Der 127. Psalm Op. 40 |
Wunsch, Hermann | Kammerkonzert für Klavier und kleines Orchester Op.22 |
Zilcher, Hermann | Konzertstück in einem Satz für Violoncell und kleines Orchester, Op. 21 |
Zilcher, Hermann | Klage, Konzertstück für Violine und kleines Orchester, Op. 22 |
Zilcher, Hermann | Konzert in h-Moll für Violine und Orchester |
Peter Dietz (in charge for prefaces)
Phone +49 (0)89 52 20 81
Notes for authors & translators:
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