Pick-Mangiagalli, Riccardo


Pick-Mangiagalli, Riccardo

Poemi per orchestre Op. 45

SKU: 4429 Category:



Pick-Mangiagalli, Riccardo – Poemi per orchestre Op. 45

Riccardo Pick-Mangiagalli (b. Strakonice, July 10, 1882 – d. Milan, July 8, 1949)

Elegia p.1
Menestrelli p.19
L’armoniosa cuna p.36
Ballata macabra p.50

Riccardo Pick-Mangiagalli was born in Strakonice – now in the Czech Republic – of a Bohemian father and an Italian mother. In 1884 the family moved to Milan where Riccardo attended the Conservatorio between 1896 and 1903, graduating in piano and composition. In 1906 he converted from Judaism to Catholicism. At the start of his career he formed a performing duo with his violinist brother Roberto, but from 1914 onwards he dedicated himself to composition. During the years before the First World War Riccardo spent long periods in Vienna where some early songs, piano and chamber pieces were published by Universal Edition. The element of dance was prominent in his music right from his Op.1 En fermant les yeux – a slow waltz for piano published by Ricordi in 1915. This side of his musical personality grew in importance, leading him to write some distinguished ballet scores, the finest of which is Il Carillon Magico of 1915. The ballet was premiered at La Scala in 1918 and then appeared on the billboards of the main theatres throughout Italy. In the pianistic arena he wrote in virtuosic vein works such as the Deux Lunaires (1915) where the Impressionistic curlicues of the first piece give way to a jamboree of elves and goblins in the second, the deftness of Mendelssohn here being combined with more recent French tendencies. Orchestral music and piano pieces delineated the twin trajectories of his output, but there …

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Score Data


Repertoire Explorer




210 x 297 mm





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