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Joseph Callaerts - Deuxième caprice pour piano solo op. 12
(Antwerp, 11 August 1830 – Antwerp, 3 March 1901)
(ca. 1880?)
‘Joseph Jacques Callaerts, organist of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Antwerp, is dead. He was born in Antwerp, August 11, 1830, and died there March 3, 1901, having held the position of organist in the Cathedral since 1855 (forty-six years). He was also professor at the Royal Flemish Conservatory, Chevalier of the Order of Leopold and a vice-president of the Guilmant Organ School, New York. He was a most genial and cultured man and learned musician. Many of his organ compositions are played by American organists. Two of his best works are dedicated to William C. Carl, organist of the Old First Presbyterian Church.’
This obituary appeared in the US music magazine The Musical Courier of 3 April 1901 and is proof of the international reputation Joseph Callaerts enjoyed. Callaerts, who studied in Antwerp with Guillaume Kennis (1768-1845), Edouard Grégoir (1822-1890) and Henri Simon (1783-1861), and with Jacques Nicolas Lemmens (1823-1881) at the Conservatoire Royal in Brussels, became a renowned organist, organ composer and organ expert in the second half of the nineteenth century.
Besides a large number of organ works, including an organ concerto, Callaerts composed piano and chamber music, choral works and cantatas, songs, orchestral works, music for harmony and fanfare, an opera, and a lot of liturgical music, such as motets, litanies, and masses.
Callaerts dedicated this Deuxième caprice op. 12, to the English organist, pianist and composer Thomas Wingham (1846-1893), with whom he maintained friendly relations. Wingham incidentally composed several works for the Antwerp Cathedral: in addition to two hymns for the feast of St Joseph, he also composed a large-scale Missa Regina Caeli (1876) (these scores are kept in the library of the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp).
Callaerts’ first Caprice op. 8 was previously published in this series (volume 2552).
Jan Dewilde
(translation: Jasmien Dewilde)
Reprint of a copy from the library of the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp (KVC 22.456). This score was published in cooperation with the Centre for the Study of Flemish Music (Studiecentrum voor Vlaamse Muziek, www.svm.be).
Joseph Callaerts -Deuxième caprice pour piano solo op. 12
(Antwerpen, 11. August 1830 – Antwerpen, 3 März 1901)
(ca. 1880?)
‘Joseph Jacques Callaerts, organist of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Antwerp, is dead. He was born in Antwerp, August 11, 1830, and died there March 3, 1901, having held the position of organist in the Cathedral since 1855 (forty-six years). He was also professor at the Royal Flemish Conservatory, Chevalier of the Order of Leopold and a vice-president of the Guilmant Organ School, New York. He was a most genial and cultured man and learned musician. Many of his organ compositions are played by American organists. Two of his best works are dedicated to William C. Carl, organist of the Old First Presbyterian Church.’
Diese Nachricht erschien in der US-amerikanischen Musikzeitschrift The Musical Courier vom 3. April 1901 und weist auf die internationale Reputation hin, die Joseph Callaerts genoss. Callaerts, der in Antwerpen bei Guillaume Kennis (1768-1845), Edouard Grégoir (1822-1890), Henri Simon (1783-1861) und am Königlichen Konservatorium in Brüssel bei Jacques Nicolas Lemmens (1823-1881) studiert hatte, entwickelte sich in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts zu einem renommierten Organisten, Orgelkomponisten und Orgelexperten.
Neben einer lange Liste mit Orgelwerken, unter denen sich auch ein Concerto befindet, schrieb Callaerts Klavier- un Kammermusik, Chorwerke und Kantaten, Lieder, Orchesterwerke, einde Opéra comique, eine grosse Menge liturgischer Musik wie Motetten, Litaneien und Messen und ein Werk für Harmonieorchester und Fanfare.
Dieses Deuxième caprice op. 12 widmete Callaerts dem englischen Organisten, Pianisten und Komponisten Thomas Wingham (1846-1893), mit dem er einen freundschaftlichen Umgang pflegte.
Wingham komponierte übrigens auch mehrere Werke für die Antwerpener Kathedrale: neben zwei Hymnen zum Fest des Heiligen Josef auch eine groß angelegte Missa Regina Caeli (1876). Die Partituren werden in der Bibliothek des Königlichen Konservatoriums Antwerpen aufbewahrt.
Callaerts‘ erstes Caprice op. 8 wurde auch schon in dieser Reihe veröffentlicht (Band 2552).
Jan Dewilde
(Übersetzung: Eva-Maria Kintzel)
Nachdruck einer Partitur aus der Bibliothek des Königlich Flämischen Konservatoriums von Antwerpen (KVC 22456). Diese Partitur wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Studienzentrum für flämische Musik (www.svm.be) herausgegeben.
--------------------- FLEMISH VERSION ---------------------
Joseph Callaerts - Deuxième caprice pour piano solo op. 12
(Antwerpen, 11 augustus 1830 – Antwerpen, 3 maart 1901)
(ca. 1880?)
‘Joseph Jacques Callaerts, organist of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Antwerp, is dead. He was born in Antwerp, August 11, 1830, and died there March 3, 1901, having held the position of organist in the Cathedral since 1855 (forty-six years). He was also professor at the Royal Flemish Conservatory, Chevalier of the Order of Leopold and a vice-president of the Guilmant Organ School, New York. He was a most genial and cultured man and learned musician. Many of his organ compositions are played by American organists. Two of his best works are dedicated to William C. Carl, organist of the Old First Presbyterian Church.’
Dit overlijdensbericht verscheen op 3 april 1901 in het Amerikaanse muziektijdschrift The Musical Courier en getuigt van Callaerts’ international reputatie. Callaerts, die in Antwerpen studeerde bij Guillaume Kennis (1768-1845), Edouard Grégoir (1822-1890) en Henri Simon (1783-1861), en bij Jacques Nicolas Lemmens (1823-1881) in het Conservatoire Royal in Brussel, was in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw een van de meest gerenommeerde organisten, orgelcomponisten en -experten.
Naast een lange lijst orgelwerken, waaronder een orgelconcerto, schreef Callaerts piano- en kamermuziek, koorwerk en cantates, liederen, orkestwerk, een opéra-comique, heel wat liturgische muziek zoals motetten, litanieën, en missen, en werk voor harmonie en fanfare.
Callaerts droeg deze Deuxième caprice op. 12 op aan de Engelse organist, pianist and componist Thomas Wingham (1846-1893) met wie hij bevriend was. Wingham componeerde trouwens verschillende werken voor de Antwerpse Kathedraal: naast twee hymnen voor het feest van Sint-Jozef schreef hij voor Antwerpen ook de grootschalige Missa Regina Caeli (1876) (deze partituren worden bewaard in de bibliotheek van het Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen).
Callaerts’ first Caprice op. 8 was previously published in this series (volume 2552).
Jan Dewilde
Herdruk van een partituur uit de Bibliotheek van het Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen (KVC 22.456). Deze facsimile werd uitgegeven in samenwerking met het Studiecentrum voor Vlaamse Muziek (www.svm.be).
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